Registered administrative assistant of Cetera Advisor Networks LLC, member FINRA/SIPC. Cetera is under separate ownership from any other named entity.
2024 BestPrep Service Award. Issued to the top volunteers in the BestPrep volunteer programs for those that go above and beyond in their commitment to the students and teachers of Minnesota. Listing in this publication and/or award is not a guarantee of future investment success. This recognition should not be construed as an endorsement of the advisor by any client. No compensation was provided directly or indirectly by the recipient for participation or in connection with obtaining or using the third-party rating or award.
2024 Volunteer of the Year Award Honorable Mention Issued by Invest in Others. Nominees must be currently working as registered representatives, registered investment advisors, or financial advisors with a professional designation. Nominees must be active financial advisors, defined by spending at least 75% of their time providing financial consultation with clients. Nominees must have worked in this capacity for at least three years. Volunteer involvement with the nonprofit organization must be current and ongoing for at least three years. Nominations are evaluated based on an advisor’s leadership, dedication, contribution, inspiration and impact on a nonprofit and the community it serves. Three finalists are selected in each of the six categories with one winner being chosen for each award. Award finalists and winners receive generous donations from Invest in Others to their designated charities. Listing in this publication and/or award is not a guarantee of future investment success. This recognition should not be construed as an endorsement of the advisor by any client. No compensation was provided directly or indirectly by the recipient for participation or in connection with obtaining or using the third-party rating or award.
The charitable entities and/or fundraising opportunities described herein are not endorsed by or affiliated with (BD name) or its affiliates. Our philanthropic interests are personal to us and are not reviewed, sponsored or approved by Cetera.